Friday, May 06, 2005

"Get it Together, Man." -- Billy to Wyatt in "Easy Rider"

Make no small plans... Last evening, we re-constituted the "Free Henry Goobar," cast and did a read-through at a little coffee house under the El tracks. It was weird to hear the familiar lines coming out of all these strange and wonderful people once again. The Lovely Carla passed out maps of Edinburgh, Scotland with everyone's Bed and Breakfast accomodations. It's all starting to sort of get 'real,' we really are taking our little show to the Edinburgh Fringe Fest this August.

Talk about jumping into the great unknown... On the one hand, it's odd to be 'blowing up,' our usual picture, we've been doing one major show at Peter Jones for the last four years. I guess there was kind of a 'comfort level,' about what, and where, we were doing our ittle theatrical experiments. Now, we're committed to a completely new level of experience.

There's much work to do, but I think it's great that we've opened up the group to new possibilities. I think it's only this group, this time, that this trip is even feasible. It's odd how things have been rolling out in front of us. What's that line from "My Own Private Idaho?" - "Every road is like a fucked-up face." You've got to love the fucked-upness of it all. Strange and good things are on that road!