Thursday, May 26, 2005

"If that 's All There is My Friend, Then Let's Keep Dancing." - P. Lee

Yesterday everything was coming up roses. All my conversations seemed to point to good news. Instead of endless chasing, things (people, ideas) came my way. It was all so positive, I actually thought, "it can't last." Big plans, small plans, everything seemed to be moving forward nicely, the things I've created finding life in the universe. I think I had a brief glimpse of what "enlightenment," must feel like.

The "it can't last," is proof that I am no Zen Master. There's still that doubt, looking over the hedge, thinking something is coming that will blow it all away; I will be found out, discredited, humbled once again. Seeing the flaw, the darkness, the doubt is a good thing. I know there is a snake in this garden, and it resides inside me.

Let me charm that beast with a little laughter and music. Make that sucker dance!