Friday, May 27, 2005

"Heaven is in the Mind." - S. Winwood

I'd say hell is in the mind too. I guess in some ways, it's all in our heads! There's the world, then there's what we see, feel and think about it. We perceive through our senses five, what we perceive is then interpreted by us, for us. OK, sounds like a human thing. So, this morning, for me, it's all sunshine and music. The lake has this incredible shimmeriness that makes me kind of dreamy and happy's like a glimpse of the eternal, the great cloud of unknowing...the beauty and the mystery. I find all of this to be validating, reassuring, hopeful...and kind of cool. Most of the best moments, can't be shared. This is a gift and a curse. To be alone and to not be lonely. To experience it all: the good, the bad, the ugly. To survive it. To share it, (the laughs the tears), even if there are no takers for the sharing.