Friday, March 25, 2005

Two Rivers

Yesterday, I walked into the large, black, boxy, montrosity of the IBM headquarters on the bank of the Chicago river in downtown Chicago. It was a spring day, but it seemed colder than ever, my hands and feet were frozen, I was shivering from a damp, bone-deep chill. What a perfect state to be in as I walked into the 'belly of the beast.' How many years have I been in oppostion to this company? It seems like forever. I have always been employed by little, upstart companies in competition with 'Big Blue.' I have usually been on the 'losing end.' I kind of felt like Luke Skywalker entering the halls of the Evil Empire. Okay, I know it's a little overly dramatic, I've actually been in the building before; when I was a bike messenger I often dropped packages at the front desk, but this was the first time I actually had an appointment.

It turns out, (what strange turns life takes!) the little technology company that employs me, is actually now an ally of IBM. We are involved with a major Homeland Security project in Cook County. I sat in a little conference room and learned all about the process, and the money flow (scads and scads of $$$s). This is 'the gravy train,' but it is a slow train coming! I left an hour later, my head spinning with procedures and dollar signs.

In the evening, I plugged in and played in a dusty garage with 'the Telepaths.' We made a joyful noise playing old rock and roll standards, making hash of chords and notes and time signatures. I must admit, I feel more at home jamming away with the band. There are no dollars attached to the enterprise, just pure joy bashing away at our instruments, letting the music and words flow through us. I got home late, couldn't sleep, the adrenaline kind of coursing through me. "How does it feel, to be on your own, with no direction home, a complete unknown, like a rolling stone?" - B. Dylan