Thursday, March 24, 2005

"Darkness at the break of noon..." B. Dylan

This morning I'm the Cynic (one who believes that all are motivated by selfishness). I too, if I'm consistent, am trapped in this net. Politics & Business are two obvious examples where selfishness is positively rewarded. Isn't that why Communism failed so conclusively? Cooperation and compromise go only so far, ultimately, everyone asks the question that Mike Royko posited as the primary Chicago Aldermanic Credo: "WHERE'S MINE?"

The Wise Guy, if he's wise, makes sure to watch his wallet. When anything significant goes down, two questions should always be at the ready: Who's making money, and who's getting screwed?

Now, at the same time, it's great to visualize another way. Go where the money isn't. Gravitate to the realm where things don't pay off. Do things just for the fuck of it! All my favorite things: running on the lakefront, listening to and playing music, writing quirky plays, reading books, asking stupid questions, writing in this blog; these are all pretty much superfluous activities. I think that's why I'm attracted to them.

Love, poetry, enlightenment - all money-losers! I guess, I'm still basically stuck in that "Easy Rider," chinese puzzle, hippie conumdrum: "We made it, man." "No, Billy, we blew it!"