Saturday, February 26, 2005

'Wake Up' -- Frank to Donnie in 'Donnie Darko'

I stumbled across this quote, while stumbling across another blogger's stumble (if you know what I mean).

"This universe is a dream that all six billion of us are collaboratively dreaming up into materialization together. When we realize this, we can put our lucidity together in a way where we can co-creatively dream up a much more grace-filled universe into incarnation. This is nothing other than an evolutionary quantum leap in human consciousness, unimaginable until now." - Paul Levy

Sounds right to me. This guy Levy also wrote an article explaining that George W. Bush, his regime, and his supporters are manifesting a collective madness called 'ego-phrenia.' It's a 'field disease' that transcends individuals and can inhabit a group, a nation, a world - all of us. The source of the malady: displacing or denying one's shadow, one's capacity for evil, and projecting it onto others - those shadowy 'evil doers.' So the righteous man, the righteous nation, is unable to look in the mirror, 'the shadow holder,' unable see beyond the 'ego reality,' unable to recognize the evil committed in the name of good, freedom, democracy, etc.

The righteous, born-again, man is truly an adolescent entity unable to incorporate the shadow of his own being. Bombs are dropped, cities are levelled, people are rounded up and tortured in the fight against the evil 'out there.' The 'ego-phrenic,' has banished the shadow to the shadows, and any evil can be unleashed in the fight for 'the good.'

The only cure? To see, to wake up to the shadow in ourselves. To see our capacity and culpability. To incorporate this knowledge and to approach the world with humbleness and grace. And oh yes, to bring a 'fierce compassion,' where we engage the world with the deep knowledge that we must fight the evil that bubbles up within each of us. We have a dual nature - light and shadow, good and evil, etc. Our task is to find clarity in the duality.