Sunday, February 27, 2005

'Everybody's Talking...'-- Harry Nilsson

I must say I have been 'oddly inspired,' by HST's suicide. I have been reading J.P. Satre, who talks about the responsibility and burden of freedom. He points out we always have a choice, that even a 'slave,' has a choice. As Jimmy Cliff once put it in 'The Harder They Come': I'd rather be a free man in my grave, than living as a puppet or a slave.

Yesterday, I had two computers humming simultaneously; on one, I was editing 'Free Henry Goodbar' into a 2 minute, and 33 second highlight reel, and on the other (while the editing program was 'rendering') I was writing a new monologue for the new work we've tentatively dubbed, 'the three boxes of transformation.' Oh boy, what a mouthful that!

So, I'm thinking this new piece will be an extended monologue that starts with a suicide, the end is the beginning, but it's gonna be a musical, a delightful romp; funny, and hopeful, and well, who knows really what the fuck it's gonna be?

I've had my feelers out this week, and suddenly I hear voices everywhere. Here are some quotations that have stuck in my craw.

Napoleon Bonaparte: "There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit."

Gypsy Rose Lee: "God is love. Get it in writing."

Kurt Godel: "If it's not provable, it's true."

Kurt Godel (again): "Chaos is a bad appearance."

J.P. Satre: "There are no excuses."

Charles Bukowski: "Love is a dog from hell."

Aleister Crowley: "Do what thou will. All is permitted."

Donnie Darko: "What's the point of living if you don't have a dick?"