Friday, January 28, 2005

A Necessary Blood-Letting? Maybe.

Maybe 'the world' just happens, and we, with our turbo-charged chimp brains see change, progress, and salvation. Maybe evolution has no purpose, no goal, maybe it is 'just so.' Maybe both of the following statements are 'true': the more things change, the more they stay the same, AND the more things stay the same, the more they change. Maybe the definition of the word change - 'to be, or to cause to be different, to alter,' is from the lexicon of the shadows.

Maybe my head is just full of 'maybes' this morning. I went to see a play last night, Naomi Wallace's 'In the Heart of America.' It is an abstract, poetic take on the Persian Gulf War, jumbled up with two dead souls from Vietnam and the My Lai massacre. Not exactly light entertainment - but somehow (maybe?) a necessary blood-letting. Events (tragic, horrible, brutal, beautiful, hopeful, etc.) will be repeated, over and over, from one generation to the next. Maybe we need to tune this information in, even if it's sort of deflating. Is it enough to be a 'witness,' to say, 'I saw this, I did that,' as the world turns on it's axis, rotates around the sun, and the universe expands into the void? Maybe.