Saturday, January 29, 2005

'Hey, Hey We're the Monkees'

I've had monkeys on the brain for a couple of days. If Darwin's dangerous idea is correct - natural selection (the Blind Watchmaker) is responsible for all the diversity of the universe, and human beings are 'descended,' from apes - it would sure explain a lot. We would be these 'mutant monkeys' that have developed big heads, with big brains, that are running rampant on this little planet with our sophisticated toys, trying to impress each other to win friends and influence strangers.

And even if some of us have developed a sense of mystery, spirituality, and appreciation for the beauty of life, we (if we were honest) would not forget our humble origins. In fact, it would be incumbent upon us, to never forget that all of us (Jesus, Ghandi, Johnny Rotten, Donald Trump) are glorified monkeys with these complicated, turbo-charged chimp brains. The real dangerous ones among us, would be those who believe that they are closer to the divine, above and beyond the call of nature.

Our motto (floating around in our monkey-like craniums) would always be: Beware the Big Monkey Man!