whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

World Gone Wrong

There's 'the world,' then what we see, think and feel about it. It can be quite a jolt when the two don't match up. I find it hard to believe that the 'little Bush,' has not been totally repudiated. So much for the 'mini-tidal wave.' I will not be retiring my 'bush evil doer' pin anytime soon.

MORAL VALUES was the number one issue this election?! There's nothing worse than Righteousness wrapped in religious certainty. How do you spell HYPOCRISY? Social Conservative Conundrum: wouldn't more gay marriage, mean less abortion? I'm so glad to live in a 'blue state.' All my favorite places (Chicago, Brooklyn, San Francisco) are solidly blue. Long live the INFIDELS!

One of the lessons of life: we must live with contradiction. Things don't always 'go our way.' There are lessons in losses. It's important to have something to be 'for,' but it's also important to have something to be 'against.' Bush's Circle of Crony Capitalists make Dutch Reagan's formulation ring true: 'government isn't the solution, government is the problem.'

Dream ticket for 2008: Hilary Clinton/Barack Obama.

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