Monday, August 16, 2004

Yesterday seemed like a week; Rehearsal, Abbie Hoffman Barbecue, Radio Interview.

We made great progress in rehearsal, George still lagged, but he came around, and the first five scenes are rounding into shape.

The Barbecue was held on a rooftop deck at Mary Archie. Carla, Peter Jones and I, (Peter had a hamburger, Carla and I sipped water) stayed for an hour or so, and we chatted with some of the other theater groups. Rich Cotovsky played the master of ceremonies, he is funny, an inspiration. I really appreciate the way he approaches theater work: a simple, no bullshit, purity. We picked up our 'artist passes' for the fest next weekend, and scheduled tech time for Thursday.

The Radio Interview, was strange, oddly satisfying. Did we do justice to the language of the play over the radio waves? Carla and I recited monologues from 'Henry Goodbar' in a cramped studio with big fat microphones just inches from our lips. Our words were sent out into the ether. Did we connect with anyone? Who's listening to WZRD late on a Sunday night?

Got home late, up at the crack of dawn. Hoping to crash out early tonight.