Tuesday, August 17, 2004

What kind of 'glasses' should I wear? The kind that only see 'the past'? The kind that only see 'the future'? The kind that only see 'the now'?

Each pair of glasses, is also a set of blinders. What do I see, or instead, what do I choose to see? Krishnamurti: no dogma, except, be here, now. The now is where I can 'act.' Step by step, in the moment; no time for regret, guilt, doubt, fear.

It's the easiest thing in the world: to let it all go, 'to every season, turn, turn, turn.' A certain peace has descended upon me. The days seem to be 'elongating.' It's amazing what a good rest will bring. The day rolls out ahead of me, I simply put one foot in front of another.