whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Friday, August 20, 2004

Never Mind

Never Mind about that 'zero sum game' of energy in my last post. By end of afternoon yesterday, I crashed out on the futon in my 'office' and snoozed for about an hour and a half. I did a little self-rejuvenating, so to speak.

Last night, Carla and I went to Strawdog, it's kind of a freaky space. Dead center stage points directly at a concrete pillar. The floor is cement, so the acoustics are bad, very echoey, tinny, and the sound system speakers are 'downstage' so, the music hits the ears before the actor's voice.

But it is a new space, a new challenge. They have a nice light board and good sound equipment. Liz didn't make it, so we came up with two light settings, and two sound settings and I took good notes. Hopefully, before we go on, I'll be able to give Liz a quick tutorial.

It's the Abbie Hoffman march this afternoon. I think I'm going. 40 blocks. Might be a kick. Looking forward to the 'opening ceremonies.' Rich Cotovsky conjures up the spirit of Abbie Hoffman. Creative cooperation. Woodstock Nation lives: peace, love, and three days of theatrical madness.

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