whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Saturday, July 17, 2004

In one of my favorite books, 'Impro' a handbook on comedy and improvisation, there is the concept of 'breaking a routine.' In psychic lingo there's 'blowing the picture.' In both instances, one is releasing energy, which brings laughter or clarity.

Yesterday afternoon, Carla and I went for a massage and a 'float' at the Space/Time Tanks, a perfect way to 'break a routine.' The massage was good; Nadine worked over my body, every joint, bone, muscle. It was both relaxing and refreshing.

The float was extraordinary. This was my third time. Each has been a little different. No sound, no light, your body floats in a tank of warm salt water (so much salt you are buoyant) for over an hour. Time and space dissolve.

This must be what it's like in zero gravity. This must be what it's like in the womb. This must be like...nothing else I can imagine. I went into a deep meditation, fully conscious. I submerged into a state beyond the world, leaving everything behind. I could see myself, in my mind's eye, naked, golden, rising up and out into a star-filled expanse.

Afterwards, a hot shower, got dressed, and headed out into the streets of Chicago. For awhile, both of us were totally silent, like visitors from another planet. There was a faint glow around every shape.

We went to Thai Soukdee, had a great Thai meal, went home, went to sleep early.

This morning up early. Alive, refreshed. The 'picture has been blown.' Wonder what today will bring.

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