Tuesday, September 03, 2024

It Ain't Easy...

Let's just get this out of the way. Being Human isn't easy. I mean, are you just born into it? Did you ask to be born?  Is this a gift, a sentence, a chore, a fabulous adventure? All of the above?

Being Human comes with lots of expectations, misunderstandings, trials, tribulations, detours, false exits, wrong turns, bad takes, learning curves, surprises, odd occurrances, deep insights, glorious epiphanies, little miracles, and major & minor debacles, slings & arrows, pricks & kicks. Think of your life as a symphony, a 3 act play, a long rambling novel, a weird skit, a throwaway article, a strange, captivating, and confusing poem. Illusioning & Disillusioning at the same time.

Your experience of Life is all your own. All you. Your time & place. It's strange, yes indeed, you are a stranger in a strange land; in this body, this mind, this location on a map. You make of it what you will.