Monday, September 30, 2024

Humans Always Reveal Themselves...

Live with dogs long enough and you find that they are super-good at reading people. Sure, most of them want to be your friend. They pay super-fucking close attention to every little detail of human behavior. They smell you, watch you, observe your actions. They can read you like a book. If your dog is acting strangely around someone that you, and they, encounter: be on guard. Some Humans just don't smell right.

I think I have gotten so much better at reading people myself. It's just the result of spending long days in the company of a wide variety of dogs. Something has been passed onto me by osmosis & example. 

Who knows?! Maybe I'm hallucinating, but I believe that my sense of smell has increased, it's now one of my strongest, most finely-honed, well-developed senses. I also seem to be looking thru the eyes of dogs. I see people in detail. All the unspoken signals seem so obvious & loud and clear. Humanity; I seem to be in it, but not of it. I have assumed some uncanny, canine-like qualities. I have tuned in to the lives of dogs, just as they have tuned into me.

Funny. People are easy to read. They are transparent. They always tell you who and what they are. All you have to do is pay attention. And try not to get distracted by the words they use. Observe with a dog-like determination. Most Human Beings are wearing a mask. A mask of subtle deception.

I have befriended and gained the trust of many troubled dogs; dogs suffering from PTSD; manhandled and terrozied by deeply troubled humans. I have also encountered a few (three) dogs over the last decade or so who wanted nothing to do with me.  I didn't take it personal. They were troubled dogs who bonded-deeply with their owners, and they were suspicious of every other living Hunan on the planet. They were super-viscious and agressive. Did I show a bit of fear? Maybe.  And well, who knows?! Maybe they were hostile to much of Humanity for good & excellent reasons? Once bitten, twice shy.

If you pay attention, look close enough, you can see all the human types on display: the sick ones, the ones hiding something, the bitter ones, the supremely sad ones, the miserable ones, the quietly murderous ones, the ones that would leave you bleeding in an alley gasping for air. Oh yes, there are the joyous ones too, the giving ones, the deeply loving souls. You know, you see, and read, the full range & spectrum of Humanity. It's important for survival to see in full-on living color. Be dogged in your attention and approach.