Thursday, August 22, 2024

What is the Brand?

Yes. The Democratic Convention this week and all of the day 3 speeches point to a celebration of a certain brand of Politics. What is that brand? Hope. Enthusiasm. Intelligence. Grace. Empathy. Compassion. Pragmatism. Inclusiveness. Generosity. Freedom. Freedom to be the amazing beings we that we all can be. So refreshing. So renewing. So encouraging. So exciting. A coming together, not a splitting apart. A healing, not a dividing.

Yes. It's pretty vibey. And that's ok. Not only ok, but really, fundamentally essential. There is a serious purpose to all the Happiness & Joy. Doing the hard, good work, of fixing things, building, bonding & creating a loving community. As Barack Obama said yesterday,  we can live in peace with folks we disagree with. Live and let live. That's the way to a better world. Also as Coach Tim Walz tells us: "Mind Your Own Damn Business." It's ok. We are strong enough, and generous and kind enough to live and to let live. We don't need to fear the other. Humanity is a grand mulit-cultural stew of possibility.

So yeah,  be sure to check out some the speeches. A Coach (Tim Walz), A Singer (Stevie Wonder), Mayor (Pete), A Poet (Amanda Gorman), an Ex-President (Bill Clinton), some Republicans who have seen the Light of Day. Pretty impressive.  I endorse this Brand of Politics with all my heart & soul. This is the Vibe...