Friday, August 09, 2024

We Don't Have to Chase After the Latest, Stupid, Shiny Thing...

Chasing the latest stupid, shiny thing. 

Holy fuck. There are seemingly smart, well-heeled, fat and sassy folks who spend all their time chasing after the stupidest shit. And they are desperate to hijack our attention, and to fill our heads with this latest stupid shiny shit too. They want us all to wallow in the latest stupid shiny thing. Much of the media landscape, and much of our cultural conversation, is over-heated huffing & puffing about the latest, stupid, shiny thing. 

It makes us all so much more uncertain, confused, out to sea, and yes, it simply fans the flames of stupidity. We walk around asking ourselves, "Is everything and everyone really this stupid?" Yikes. It's actually a fucking business model. Make folks stupider for valuable prizes & cold, hard, cash. 

What a monumental waste of our time. We can choose not to play this very stupid and soul-crushing game.  As John Lennon once sang, just "Gimmee Some Truth." There are folks who talk the talk, and those who walk the walk. 

Best to tune out the noise. Lean to the light, and turn to those who actually walk the real streets in the real world. Folks doing real things with real people in the real streets. Yes. I mean, fuck, yeah, that is the way to some kind of clarity, I mean, it is just the smart way forward.