Tuesday, August 13, 2024

They See Themselves as our Over-Lords...

So funny. Last night two very wealthy men with broken brains tried to have a conversation. And it was a disaster. A display of unmitigated stupidity. You might be under the impression that the wealthy folks amongst us are smart, or accomplised, or have some great intrinsic quality that the common folks just don't possess. Nope.

Really the only thing they have is more $ in the bank.  These two toxic fools were born with silver spoons in their mouths, they inherited great wealth and opportunity. They are two absolute train-wrecks of human beings. It is kind of funny how off the ranch, unhinged, and brain-scrambled these guys are. You wonder if they are on seriously debilitating drugs. Or is it just their over-blown, toxic, narcissistic, blimp-sized egos that ails them? It would be funny too, except they are both threats to Democracy, good government, and general well-being for the rest of us.

Their broken brains and stacks of $ are a threat to all of us. They think they should rule the world. They see themselves as our "over-lords." Sheesh. What total shite.

As AOC once pointed out: "Every billionaire is a policy failure." Yes. Indeed. The Billionaire class thinks they are a power beyond the rule of law, the tax code, good policy and good government. It's a global problem, too much concentrated wealth in the hands of a powerful few. 

This needs to be addressed. Power to the People.  Amen, brothers & sisters.