Friday, August 16, 2024

A Woman President. It's About Time...

Yes. Thinking about Humanity. I flash on our early, hairy, ancestors as depicted in the opening scenes of Stanely Kubrick's masterpiece, 2001 a Space Odyssey (1968). Big Monkey-Man picks up a bone and beats the living hell out of another Monkey-Man. The others cower and bow down. 

The beginning of that power & dominance dynamic: Humans are "hierachical." 

So yeah, there is a continuum, a thru-line in the narrative: Big Monkey-Man, Leader, Chieftan, King, Dictator, Authoritarian, Pope, Priest, Minister, Ayatollah, Holy-Man, Mogul, Mover & Shaker, Guru, Cult-Leader, Hedge Fund Manager, Titan of Industry, Self-Made Man, Billionaire-Tech Bro. 

Almost inevitably these dudes betray the rest of us. Blimp-sized egos lead to all kinds of bad acts, atrocities, bad deeds, & bad-faith mischief. Power corrupts, don't you know?! The powerful ones think to themselves: "Lie, cheat, steal, of course! I deserve it. All those little people owe me."

Or something like that. It's all a bit silly. Comical.  The Age of the Big Man is over. We don't really need to play this tired, old game. The game is out of date, retro, soul-killing, ignorant. 

We can short-circuit this shite. Opt out. It takes a village. We turn from power & dominance, to nurturing & fostering. A global-village. As Rodney King once asked: "Can't we all just get along?"

So, yes, we turn to soft power: love, responsibility, intelligence, beauty, grace, leading by example. It's about time we elected a Woman as President. I mean, it is well past time. We need to get our shit together. We can do it. And it will be a beautiful thing. I mean, amen brothers & sisters. We can all work together for a better world, a better humanity. Put down that bone, that wounding weapon of destruction & instead, meet the world with a warm, loving embrace.