Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Ha. Interesting. Our political landscape has changed dramatically in just a few short days (see 2 previous posts). Seems our planet is heating up and speeding up. Hang on, folks.

Suddenly Hope, Joy, Enthusiasm, Grace, Intelligence, Humor, Intellect, Progressive Values are all front and center. It is so exciting to see the grassroots support for Kamala Harris. She is a dynamo. Accomplished, experienced. Fully-engaged. Such a great contrast to that Fat Old Felon, who promotes Hate & Division.

Seems like a new day. A new dawn. Sure. It's gonna be a battle for the Soul of America. That's Democracy, that's America;. a big, complicated country, with some deep-in-the-bone racism, misogyny, and idiocy too. None of that disappears. But you can feel the energy, the excitement. A dramatic turning of the page to a new chapter. 

Yes. so, gratifying, so good. Like they say, "take nothing for granted," the voters must vote. But you can feel the earth spinning in a new, progressive, hopeful direction. Yes. Indeed.

BTW - Awhile back I did tell my long-time companion that it is "Woman Power" that will save America. I do believe it's true. Just found out, no surprise, that Beyonce & Taylor Swift will be fundraising for Kamala. That is exquistiely beautiful news...

I mean, yes... of course...