Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Warrior Emotion...

“Hopefulness… is adversarial. It is the warrior emotion that can lay waste to cynicism.” Nick Cave

Indeed. Hopefulness. Great tool, great weapon, great shield. I sometimes wonder where it comes from, how it bubbles up, and how makes itself present in Life, especially in my own Life. 

Sometimes it comes like a weather pattern, it's like a big, bold, overwhelming cloud, a silver cloud of knowledge & possibility that transforms everything. I'm not sure you can summon hopefulness. Can you train it? Can you train for it? Not sure.

Sometimes it's just a tiny glimmer in a bed of black. That little glimmer can be enough. I don't think I can conjure up hopefulness on demand, but I do think I can cultivate myself to be open to hopefulness. At least that's how it seems to me.

Put on a great record. Brew up some killer-coffee. Eat well. Sleep well. Keep myself occupied with doing things I love to do: walking, talking, playing guitar, writing, making songs, making music with my band, reading a great book, learning to live poetically. Always be open to ideas, always open-hearted, open-headed and open-armed. Keeping the artistic & creative impulse alive, always, that is hopefulness in a nutshell, right there.

A Warrior of Love. Hopeful. It's not a weakness, it's a strength. Hope can be floated, and crushed, maybe that's why some shy away from it? The crushing is just part of it, right? You go thru the crush-phase and then, that cloud, that glimmer makes an appearance. You grab onto it.  You "venture into the slipstream," with a pulsing heart, and glimmering, shimmering eyes. Yes. Indeed. You do.