Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Over-Arching Vibe...

Memorial Day. It was bit stormy, cloudy & rainy here. That didn't stop the people. They came out to the lakefront in droves, set up their tents & grills, tossed frisbies & volleyballs, brought out their chairs, and food supplies, and BBQ'd like total pros.

Everyone danced between the raindrops, thunder and lightening, and did their thing. Kind of a weird "celebration," on a solemn holiday.

I was a wanderer and rover most of the day. An observer on the fringe. I reflected on the tragic nature of the day. Honoring the fallen in all those terrible wars. Every war really is a failure. Are there any "good wars?" Maybe some tragically necessary wars (World War II)? Sometimes there seems to be no alternative. Still, it's a grand madness, a ritual of canage, mayhem. No doubt.

It is heartbreaking to see & know how often human beings engage in such violence and early death. Yes, the sadness and tragedy of the day was the over-arching vibe that resonated thru me. Seemed appropriate.