Wednesday, May 08, 2024

The Aquarium of Narcissim...

 I don't think it is a stretch to think that it is Narcissim that rules the present day across the Human Realm:

  "a self–centered personality style characterized as having an excessive preoccupation with oneself and one's own needs, often at the expense of others."

Well. Yeah. That is the aquarium we all swim in, preoccupied with oneself, at the expense of others.

We live as if we are all celebrities. We build altars to our own Egos. Ha. It's all kind of silly, self-absorbed, and pretty off-putting too. Having a "smart phone" in hand at all times, to capture the many angles of a self is a weird way to spend your days. Yep. It's a weird hall of mirrors. For sure.

It's tricky. I am one who writes about my own experience day to day. I am self-aware. And in some ways that seems important. Again we are left with navigating a dichotomy: self-aware/self-less.  There is a wide spectrum of human activity.

We can choose not to play the narcissim card. Really. I think so. Sure, being self-aware is a bit of a sticky wicket. But I find that the best of times are those where I "lose my self." Give one's self, one's ego to meet a moment, an activity, or another person. Seeking those flow activities where you become one with something other.

Being present, dropping the ego, tricking your self, to lose your self, to subsume into a higher-consciousness. Yes. I think it's possible. And desirable. A step out of the hall of mirrors, into a vast Universe of other things. A step towards better, more rewarding, mode of living.