Saturday, May 25, 2024

Honor the Good...

I dreamed. 

A journey. I made a long climb up a mountain. A sprawling mountaintop, full of jutting rocks and rich, verdant, greenery. I met some interesting people along the way. Human characters of every stripe. Human Beings from every land and tribe. 

There were Egyptians, Mayans, Greeks, Europeans, First Nation Peoples, Chinese, Tibetans, Eskimos, Africans, Americans from all eras. Also, I came across, (I kid you not), the talk-show host Johnny Carson. He was speaking to a small gathering. I immediately went up to him and told him that when I was a growing up in the vacant suburbs, I would stay up and watch the Tonight Show Starring Johhny Carson. He took a puff on his cigarette, and replied: "I hope I wasn't a corrupting influence." I assured him, "No, you showed me what it meant to be an adult in the USA." I flashed on Flip Wilson, Buddy Hackett, Bette Midler, Dean Martin, Albert Brooks, Sammy Davis Jr. Ha. Celebrity & Fame in America. 

Anyway, I continued on my journey. Everyone I passed on the way seemed to wish me well.

I came to a clearing, and discovered a plaque, affixed to an ancient tree. The plaque was old, weathered, beaten by the elements, seemingly been there for ages and ages. There were words inscribed on the plaque. I thought to myself, "Here is where Wisdom will be found." 

I read the words out-loud, my lips moved, the words tumbled from my mouth; these were the words from the Oracle: "Good is Good."

Ha. Really?! That's it? That's the hard-earned message of Truth and Wisdom? I laughed. There was a touch of wild joy in my laugther. So simple. So self-evident. Simple-minded? Still, what to do with that pearl? 

This morning I think: I must Lean to the Light, Honor the Good, be Disciplined in all ways, Strive Always to Do and Be Better. 

The Good. Bask in and cultivate the Good. You know, it was a dream.