Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Really, Really Stupid Part...

Ha. Well. Maybe the stupidest Govenor in America is a Woman,  Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota, who bragged about killing her hunting dog, 14 months old, because it was "untrainable." She shot the dog in a gravel pit. A pretty cruel, nasty & dastardly thing to do. I kid you not.

The really stupid part? 

She wrote about the killing in her new book, thinking it was a great example of her being a MAGA, can-do politician, someone who will take on the hard, politically-incorrect, non-woke things necessary for America. Of course, she is vying to be VP for Fat Boy Slime. Supposedly he hates dogs, so who knows, maybe it will appeal to that hollow cretin?

For the rest of us, coldly executing a young dog? Probably one of the of stupidest, most depraved things anyone has ever floated as an honorable and admirable act. Just mind-boggling & pathetic. Should this crazed-admission be a career-killer? Maybe so. Talk about self-sabotage. 

As one who spends lots of time with dogs, it is safe to say that usually, if there are "dog problems," there is a direct line to "owner/people problems."  And, though it seems like it should go without saying, say it I will, if you have a problem with your young dog, maybe think of putting it up for adoption? Let someone else give it a go?

Just a thought.  Yikes. I mean, maybe let's make America a bit kinder and gentler, and a safe, nurturing place for young dogs, and the rest of us too?