Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Bad & the Good...

Super-mild weather here yesterday in the Heartland. Very Spring-like. Everyone we passed on the roads and the pathways said the same thing: "Probably Climate Change, so it's bad, but love the sunshine and warmer temps, so that's good?"

Yeah, long-term bad, short-term good. That's the Human Thing in a nutshell right there. Two contradictory thoughts alive & simultaneously clashing in our neo-cortex regions.

What did we do? 

We took to the paths and biked to our "sun-spot." Our very own quite intimate sanctuary, with backs up against an enormous stone wall, facing a rolling, verdant-green lawn (it should not be green yet!) and a shimmering, golden-tinged lake and beach-front.

Bathing in the rays. 

We watched a woman doing Yoga on the beach. Seagulls swooping. Blue sky, gorgeous, wispy white clouds crossing overhead. It was a beautiful, Zen-scene, a little glimpse of Paradise, you know, damn the torpedos. We will probally all pay for this later, but for the moment? Priceless. 

So good, probably bad, too. You know, that's how it goes?!