Friday, March 01, 2024

Knotty, Gnarly Conundrum...

One of the knotty, gnarly conundrums of an examined life...

Do we "make things happen?" Or do they "just happen?" Do we "just believe" we are free actors, doing free actions? It that really how our Universe works? Or is it all momentum? Fate? Destiny?

Is "what happens" the only thing that could happen? What of luck, random chance? What of Human will and intention?

How to explain the trajectory of a life? 


I don't know the answer to any of these weighty questions. Yesterday, I was "trying to make something happen." I've been there before. Often it feels like shadow-dancing. Casting shadows on the wall, wondering if anything will stick.

There are the fields of opportunity and the fields of futility.  Knotty. Gnarly.

Finally, just living the best I can, doing the things I do. And, well, of course, full speed ahead and "damn the torpedoes."