Sunday, March 24, 2024

Escaping Escapism...

Escapism: "a way of avoiding an unpleasant or boring life, especially by thinking, reading, etc. about more exciting but impossible activities."

Well, yeah, right?! Maybe that's why we have evolved & developed these over-active brains? It is no wonder that we all are searching for ways to escape the harsh realities of life, to conjure up & inhabit other worlds of fantasy and adventure.

Of course, there is no escaping life in all it's complicated, contradicotry, overwhelming complexity, but there are smart, challenging, and all-consuming diversions that can keep us fully entertained & occupied. Yes, you can live a life chock-full of diversions. No doubt.

Still, living life to the fullest means also dealing head-on with the unpleasant, the boring, the less exciting, and the completely, mundanely possible. That's a good chunk of life right there.

Escapism can be a good thing, and a bad thing too. Just like anything, it's about the doses & measurements. Too much escapism makes the baby go blind, leads to an unworldly madness, a certain unseriousness. A culture built on escapism seems like an abdication of the real, a certain imaginative death, a necessary opening to a world of rich fantasy, and a closing of the door to the incredily amazing real world right before our very eyes & noses.

Living in the real here now can be a healthy plunge, and a real-world escape too. Maybe not a paradise, but a paradox to inhabit?