Sunday, March 10, 2024

A Purgation, A Purification, A Healing...

 Catharsis: "purification or purgation of the emotions (such as pity and fear) primarily through art, and, a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension."

Yes. We know the process of catharsis intimately. We often head to our rehearsal studio, and gather together the musicians in our band. We leave all the worldly hurly-burly, noise, and clutter, behind.

We focus on the playing of music, our own home-made, organically-fabulated songs. We explore the creative process and personal expression with a talented and dedicated group of folks. 

When it's good, which is often, it is very, very good indeed. Everyone in the room can feel it. The energy, the musical vibrations rocketing off the walls. We think of it all as a seriously joyful noise. A wonderful, often-overwhelming experience of the healing power of art & music. 

Fair to say that there is total love in the doing. And doing what one loves to do is the truly greatest endeavor a human being can do. It's a purgation, a release, a purification, a healing ritual, a spiritual renewer. 

Funny. It's everything, packed into a couple hours of very focused work, that more than anything feels like total lightening-like play. 

Walk in feeling tired, under-seige, burned-out, frustrated, whatever, walk out feeling transported, transformed, satisfied, happy, connected to everything. Unlike anything else. Highly recommended.