Monday, February 26, 2024

Trump, Putin: The Gangsters Trying to Steal Our Democracy...

This Teri Kanefield post is a real eye-opener, head-spinner, you know, a real break open the head kind of read. It is a deep-dive into Russia, Putin, and the seemingly incomprehensible, Republican Party's love for Corrupt, Authoritarian Governance, and love for lawless Oligarchies: "gangsters who got rich by stealing."

From Teri: "One way to understand people like Peter Thiel and Paul Ryan is that they believe a few wealthy people should control the nation’s resources and industries and they believe these billionaires should be able to pull the political strings. They offer a few theories for why this is good and sensible. One theory is the “makers and takers” theory which holds that a few clever people drive the economy with their innovation and business brilliance. These “makers” create jobs and wealth for a lower class of people called “takers,” who are generally depicted as lazy and immoral. The trickle-down theory similarly holds that if you remove regulations and let clever people do their thing without limitations, they will create wealth and jobs for everyone.

People who hold to the makers-and-takers theory have a hierarchical worldview. They think nature forms a hierarchy and some people are naturally at the top. While most of us see regulations as creating fairness so people can’t get rich from stealing, those with a hierarchical view believe that regulations take from the competent and give to the undeserving.

The way to understand Donald Trump is that he wants to be like Putin and control the oligarchs."

Do yourself a favor. Get hip and smart to the present moment. I suggest you read the whole thing. It's really worth your time &  attention. It clearly and definitively explains so much of our present condition in the here and now of America. Trump, Putin & the American Oligarches are at war with American Democracy.

We truly are at a crossroads. Those who believe in Democracy, need to rise from their slumber and stand up for this wonderful American experiment in a Government for and by the People. A government for the many, not the few. Really, it is now down to supporting Joe Biden and the Democratic Party to "save the soul" of our country. Yikes.