Friday, February 02, 2024

Lucky Pagans...

A long, unrelenting, string of cold and gray days around here. For those paying attention to the weather it was all a bit oppressive and depressive. Yesterday, broke the string, blue sky and sunshine appeared like a benevolent god. Temps near 50 degrees. It was a religious experience. Maybe there is wisdom in "worshipping nature?" Sometimes a loving, benevolent force, sometimes a very cruel & uncaring energy? The higher power, non-human, "god energy," both kind & cruel.

My partner and I are "nature lovers," Pagans, human beings tuned into the wonders of nature, and the natural world. We are beings of nature too. So, yes, after a flurry of activity, attending to our appointed rounds, it was natural for us to meet on the lakefront, to take a long bike ride, and to shelter in place at our "sun spot," with our backs up against an enormous stone wall, bathing in the rays of the sun.

Everything fell away under all that blue and shine. It was a worship service for us. We talked about everything and nothing. Words really weren't all that important. We lingered in the moment to moment, which seemed to slow down, and stand still. A very happy state, indeed. 

My partner turned to me and said: "We are lucky." Yes. It's true. Sometimes we don't feel lucky, but, really, we are very, very lucky. Funny to say it. Don't want to tempt fate. But, yes, lucky, true.  We can often say, "time is our own." Totally in tune with the natural world, and with time. That's when we know we are fully aligned and running fine, and true.