Friday, February 23, 2024

Loaded Question from Across the Pond...

Loaded Question from across the pond...

I had an email exchange with my best friend from from across the pond in Poland. We are "two peas in a pod." Totally different backgrounds, brought up in totally different culutres, but all that falls away when we engage. I would hazard the guess that our "original essense" springs from the same source. We are as close as can be, eventhough we live worlds away from each other.

We haven't actually been in room together for decades. We we do chat on the phone, and when we do, time melts away, our differences reflect off of each other, revealing the truth that we are two very kindred souls. 

This comes from a  very recent email exchange:

My Friend: "Well, it looks that the future resident of White House might be chosen not by the nation but by the resident of Kremlin. The question: Is the US still a super power leading the world or just redneck country faraway behind the great water?

I hope you don't feel offended by this question. But your nation's fascination with this useful Kremlin's Idiot,  is a complete disappointment to me. I always felt that I can be honest with you and I hope it stays like that. Next time I try to give you a bit deeper analysis. You take care, and fuck Republicans."

My Response: "Ha. Nope, not offended at all. America is a very divided country. I happen to live in a very Democratic, Blue Bubble, super-progressive City and State. But much of the country, at least 40% of the population, is definitely a "redneck country faraway behind the great water." 

Yes. Great description. Indeed. Turns out the old Confederacy, the slave-holding states, never joined the future. And Trump, Putin's Fat Poodle is riling up those retrograde, wannabe fascists, and died in the wool racists for all he is worth.

Luckily the Democrats, the Progressive ones actually outnumber the Rednecks. But lots of chicanery, and disillusion, and disinformation swirling around in the crazy shite-storm of a world. Hopefully Democracy does not die in America. But it is certainly gonna be a battle. Here's hoping for a better day!"