Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Lean to the Light...

"I prefer to remember the good times. Not dwell on the bad times."

Right. Lean to the light. Emphasize the good. That's a Mojo-builder right there. 

Sure. Take the hits. As per Samuel Beckett, we all take the "pricks & kicks." That's life. Remember where they came from. Remember  the who, what, where, when and why. Know your enemies. Know who your enemies are.

"Take what you need, and you leave the rest." Good times/Bad times. All of your experiences are basic learning tools. Lessons. Ha. Funny that.

What is it that Conan the Barbarian once said? "That Which Does Not Kill Us Makes Us Stronger." Sure. I mean, it's only a comic book hero saying things in a comic book world, but you find the wisdom where you can.

Damn the topedoes. Full speed ahead. Be like a well-made time-piece: "Take a licking, and keep on ticking." There is nobility in defying the naysayers, the bullies, those who seek to destroy you. Be careful of those you let close to you. There are the wolves in sheep's clothing, and dark enemies pretending to be glad-handing "friends."  Remember, often, "familiarity breeds contempt."

P.S. As I type the words above, I am listening to Shawn Macgowan and the Pogues great album "Rum, Sodomy & the Lash" (1985). Brilliant. Songs of Experience. Just the finest stuff. The perfect soundtrack for one trying to heal, to renew, and to carry on despite the shite, the turmoil, the toil and trouble, the dark hurly-burly that life throws your way.