Monday, February 05, 2024

Contradictory, and Essential...

1st: "Know thyself."

2nd: "Don't take yourself too seriously."

Yes. Good advice. Being a Human Being. Comes with lots of baggage. You are partial and limited. Best to embrace it.

"I am what I am." - Popeye the Sailor Man

"Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them." - Jackson Browne from "These Days." Yes, amazing, Jackson wrote that line and song at the tender age of 16. 

I was recently confronted with series of my own very personal failures. Very, very humbling, as in "to destroy the power, independence, or prestige of.." Yep. A total mojo-killer. And it came from a friendly corner. Which made it all seem so much more toxic.

To be seen so clearly & truthfully. A powerful, humbling, humiliating judgement. A blow to a certain confidence. 

What to do? 

Carry on. Damn the topedoes. Pull in your wings. Dig in. Do the work. Lean to the light. Decide you will not be defined by your failures. Sure, crash and burn, but then what? I think of words like:

Heal. Change. Grow. Flourish. Adapt. Morph. Evolve. Learn. 

Embrace humility, and humbleness, with a renewed confidence. Make that renewed humility a strength. Contradictory, and essential.