Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Time Pieces...

My closest friend and I share a love for Sandy Denny's great song, "Who Knows Where the Time Goes?" Yes. An indeliblely fantastic song, that poses the eternal, unanwserable question of our days. 

My friend was going thru some old boxes of stuff and came across a handful of Polarioids from an earlier time, hell, I mean, even the film format itself, Polaroids, are from a lost time and place.

Of course, there is no good anwser to Sandy's question. 

We wear the years on our bodies, and in our heads. There is no stopping time, time is like a river, always flowing. Can't hold onto those moments, they just flash by. Maybe when the times are bad, it is a good thing that time passes, maybe that is a comfort?

So much of that past seems like a mirage now. People & places that have come and gone. There are elements of the past you can conjure up, but much of our lives seem to just evaporate into the air, vanished, without a trace. You wonder, "Did any of that really happen?"

There is the residue, moments that are stamped deeply in your psyche, but even the air we now breathe, isn't what it was then. Weird, and strange. Even hard to hold onto the idea of times past. Time. They say it is relative. Right, relative to the observer, the being trapped in the web of time. We are in it, and of it. We are time-pieces, just like everything else in the Universe, ticking away, one moment at a time.