Thursday, January 18, 2024

Things I tell Myself...

I tell myself...

Yeah. Live within your means. Keep your feet on the ground. Don't get too high or low. Keep calm, carry on. And, yes, live lightly, and try to muster up some grace. Lean to the light. Be gentle with yourself and with others too. Don't take things, or your self, too seriously. Everything passes. There is sadness and joy in that reality.  There are finalities and possibilities. Yes: a contradiction, a cross, and a crossroad. Oh, yeah, and "damn the torpedoes."

Does that mean I'm immune to the Life Will Crush You  (see previous post)idea? Well, no...

I have learned to do less judging of my time, and more just living it.

The last few days I have been "on the road," which for me means doing a little tour of mansions in the neighborhood. Living in other folks places of luxury and wonder. I am just a working stiff. Making a few bucks, basically/barely making it, surrounded by the riches of others. 

Very weird. Strange. Odd. 

This morning back home for awhile. Much more humble surroundings. Still, it is nice to come back to find everything in it's right place. Homely, comfy. More my own reality. I think we are all here to be ourselves to the max. Living in our truth. Heart, Head & Spirit aligned. Yes. Indeed. What else you gonna do?