Monday, January 29, 2024

Peak Pottersville...

Superbowl 2024 is set. Taylor Swift's boyfriend's team is going to Las Vegas for the big game. Yep. Remember "It's a Wonderful Life?"  USA is no longer Bedford Falls, it's all Pottersville, baby!

In two weeks, every casual and devoted Football Fan will be armed with a cool, hi-tech, device in the palm of their hand that will allow them to bet on every play of the Big Game in Sin City, AND, that same device will connect them to all their money in all their bank accounts. One little click. A Casino in every hand. That's America, Baby! 

Super Bowl 2024, it's going to be the biggest day of gambling in the History of Humanity. We have reached "peak Pottersville!" No doubt. Add to it all the Toxic Stew of Football Fandom: Easy access to $, junk food, binge-drinking,  thumb-clicks away from any crazy-ass bet the book-makers can concoct, the over-amped, emotionally stimulating kick of watching king-sized, super-aggressive athletes beating the absolute shit out of each other. Every play a possibly life-altering, forever-maiming, and totally-disfiguring, car-crash.

America's Game. 

Ha. A Humble Pilgrim meekly asks: "What could possibly go wrong?!" AND "What of Zuzu's Petals?"

Also of course, there is an entertaining side-show, and celebrity drama: the Lunatic Right-Wing is having a hissy-fit and a total meltdown. Taylor Swift, rich, powerful, charismatic, seemingly-progressive woman, and her boyfriend, the big, hulking tight end on the Kansas City Chiefs, a spokesperson, and commercial endorser for the Pfizer Covid VAX, are the absolute, best, blue-tinged, power couple of enlightened "wokeness."  A strong woman, a sensbile, public-health-caring man. It is all so provocative and mad-making for the lunatic right.

They think Taylor is a Satanic & Witchy force.  Ha. Ha. Ha. So, so funny. I won't be betting on the game, I expect to just take in all the chintzy, cheap & glittering Vegas spectacle with calm, cool and skeptical eyes. Might be a good game, who knows? For sure it will be The Apotheosis of the Big $.