Saturday, January 27, 2024

A Good Day, A Better Tomorrow...

When I heard the news that  E. Jean Carrol had been awarded 83.3 million dollars in her defamtion case win vs. the Very-Super-Toxic Bully. I rejoiced. Is that bad of me? I say: "Nah."
What is that delicious word in German? Schadenfruede: "the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, pain, or humiliation of another."

Yes. Indeed. I have no problem with celebrating the humiliation of the Bully. I think it's a wonderful thing. I must admit I despise those who lie with impunity, those who are cruel to others, those tin-pot strong-men who lord over others, the narcissistic egotists, (see previous post), folks determined to make the world a more dysfunctional, chaotic, and more hate-filled place.

As Dylan once sang: "don't hate nothing except hatred."

So, yes, there is "joy in mudville." When will the conservative media (oops, sorry, nothing "conservative" about them, think: the 24/7 lunatic, right-wing noise machine),  stop lying to their viewers, when will they tell the truth that their favorite Toxic Bully is a multi-times loser? That he is on an epic losing streak, and this latest judgement against him is a harbinger of more judgements to come? Turns out courtrooms in America are not places conducive to lies, bluster, and bullying.

I flashed on that old motto from Superman: "Truth, Justice and the American Way." Yes. But I think the updated motto is even better, you know a little more open-ended: "Truth, Justice and a Better Tomorrow." Sure. Sometimes truth, justice and goodness prevail. That's worth celebrating...