Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Space: Outer & Inner...

Up at an ungodly time. Unseasonably mild. Climate-catastrophe is fucking with the seasons. Still dead-dark. A brilliant, shiny-pale-white, very plump, full moon dangling overhead in a westerly sky.  A slight glimmer on the eastern horizon, a ghostly prelude to a coming sunrise which won't be breaking for at least an hour or so. Walking with a little furry critter, my pal. Everything, the lakefront, the rocks, the paths, the stones, the trees & grasses appear otherworldy.

Thinking about "space," not outer space (planets, stars, galaxies etc), but inner space. Suddenly a certain calm center has opened up in my being. A few days of holiday. A few days of decent, restful sleep. A few deeply healing meditations. A few excellent meals. Lots of great music on the box.

Worries, doubts, crazed-obsessive rabbit-hole-searching,  random thought-trains have all vanished. The woes of the world have fallen away. My fellow human beings and their craziness and madnesses no longer seem to have a hold me.

Floating in my own space. The center of my head. Good vibrations. Suddenly my inner landscape is expansive, and expanding. The chemistry is working. There is no excessive needing, wanting, grasping. It is surprising when everything clicks. Meeting the day on my own terms. Very, very copacetic.

I find myself singing a Neil Young lyric while walking in the dark with glimmers of light flashing around me: "I'm too far gone, too far gone, too far gone, to marry you." Singing Neil's song to myself, I realize that is a good sign. Alive in the moment, the always rolling out moment to moment. Self-possesed. On my own, in my own time, kind of seems oddly, uncommonly, perfect.