Sunday, December 31, 2023

How, and What, to Be?

I was going to write about the resiliance and frailty of Human Beings. But then I got off on another tangent. You know, thinking about the bane of our existence in 2023: Assholes.

Yes. Thinking about: What exactly is our job on the planet? You know, being a Human Being? How to be? How, and what, to do?

There are all those voices floating in the air, those folks who want to tell you the way of the world. There are  the Teachers, the Wise Ones, the Elders, the Church-types, Pastors, Preachers, Politicians, the Philosphers, the Life Coaches, Friends, Family, your chosen Icons, or maybe your personal Heroes, (although, I think in this day and age having heroes is a quite dicey proposition).

So many folks who want to tell you what's what.

It is not an easy thing. You have to decide what type of Human Being you want to be, and then, your job is to embody and actualize that. It's tricky. You only have one life, unless you believe in Reincarnation, and, I mean, well, wouldn't it be nice, another chance, but, really, who knows?!

But, anyway, you are here now, and it's all basically up to you. Your life is in your hands. You observe other Human Beings doing their thing, and you note that often much of Human activity is a fucking clusterfuck. Bad shite, bad actors, bad action. The Assholes amongst the Human Herd have been amplified and elevated. They dominate in Politics, Business, Pop Culture. They are thriving. It is the Apotheosis of Asshole-ness. Yikes. 

My humble word of advice: Don't Be an Asshole. Yep. That's it. A guidebook. One line. Simple. Clear. Don't be an asshole. That's all I got. But maybe it's everything. A way forward. A code to live by. Think about it. Go forth and multiply (or not), with a bit of grace, and a healthy dollop of humility. Really. That's pretty much it. The whole shebang right there.