Friday, December 29, 2023

Carress the Day...

A matter of degrees: the difference between "feeling," jagged, ragged, faded & jaded, under seige, stressed, over-matched, and not into it, AND instead, happy, relaxed, mellow, clear-headed, well-rested, energized, in the moment, meeting the day with a smile.

My partner and I are lucky we missed the lastest round of Covid Roulette. Being sociable can be super-detrimental to one's health. We find ourselves pretty much Healthy & Happy. An agreeable circumstance. Pure dumb luck. The mysterious workings of luck, a certain kind of fate.

How to explain the good feeling of feeling good? I think it's simple chemistry. The Alchemy of Living. All the elements gathered together, working synergistically. Hard to know what all the "correct" elments are, sometimes small changes have major effects. We embody, and are examples of, the butterfly effect. 

Don't want to jinx it. And don't exactly know how it all happened. But pretty damn "sunny," this morning, even though there is no sun up in the sky, yet. The last week or so has been surprisingly refreshing and renewing. I say: Carress the day and damn the torpedoes!