Monday, December 25, 2023

Brilliant Works of Others...

We turn to "Art." 

If my partner and I have a tribe it is made up of Human Beings who "create." It is a large, sprawling, rough and tumble tribe; a wildly diverse collection of beings: inspirers all, Human Beings from all realms, all kinds, all classes. Beings who pour the best of themselves into the "good work."

Yesterday, we didn't do any creating ourselves, like hungry vampires, we fed on the brilliant works of others.

We had a bit of space, and we filled it with reading books: she is reading Prophet, and I am reading Norwegian Wood. There is something so healing and wonderful about plunging into other worlds and times. Cracks open the head, fills the heart, expands the soul.

We also listened to these extraordinary albums on the CD player:

"Kveikur" (2013) from Sigur Ros

"The Köln Concert"  (1976) from Keith Jarret

"Pastel Blues" (1965) from Nina Simone

"Tucaloosa" (released 2019, recorded 1973) from Neil Young & The Stray Gators

The music washed over us, healed us with it's amazing, soul-enriching, vibrations. Engages the head, the heart, the soul.

We also went to the movie theater to see an amazing film, "Poor Things." Vivid, beautiful, wild, funny, eye-opening, head-spinning, completely wonderful. Every frame of the film is suffused with a startling uncommon energy & intelligence. Thrilling and thought-provoking. Refreshing.

Yes. Hanging out with our tribe. It was a healing, a baptism, a renewal, and a total recharge.  It felt like a soulful welcome back to the core of our creative roots. A certain kind of creative homecoming. These Human Beings and their very inspiring works: "Our kind!" Works of art, art-making. The best of us. Humanity in the mode of creation and inspiration. The good work, writ large.