Thursday, November 23, 2023

Tune Into the Wonder...

Ha. I am very suggestible. Easily moved. Give me a morning of blazing sunshine, with crisp autumn temps,  fortified with a pot of superbly-brewed coffee, with brilliantly soulfully played acoustic guitar music from the great Davey Graham on the box, and well, optimism and good cheer flow like an over-abundant river of love. It doesn't take much to find the beauty and power of a new day. It's a holiday, which means a little less shuffling about the neighborhood. Not as much schlepping as usual. I may not be a rich fellow, but there are riches to be had here. Feeling good. Alive, aware, awake. That's kind of an amazing thing. Easily over-looked and undervalued. Tuning into the wonder. A life of simple, rich moments of beauty. Yes. Indeed.