Friday, October 06, 2023

The Healing Trick of Music...

Yes. I went thru the motions of the day yesterday. My head was elsewhere. My body was out on the streets and paths, my head was in the fog. That's not the way to do it. You should be totally aligned in all you do. I was failing and flailing on that front. I was more in the mode of: Fake It, To Make It. I can smile & laugh and chit-chat with the best of them, and I did, I performed all the motions and notions in time, and on the beat, I did all that I was required to do, but it was all a false front.

I really just wanted to put my headphones on, kick back, and hunker down in a comfy corner. Which I did later in the afternoon. I alternated between two very most-excellent sets of headphones, my sturdy old Grados and my new and very shiny Hifimans. You learn that each pair of headphones conjures its own sonic-universe. The Grados, on the ear, are a bit brighter, bolder, more dynamic and immediate, the Hifimans, over the ear, are bit more refined, with a more expansive sound-stage, a little mellower, a little richer, more immersive.

Both are very good & super-enjoyable. They bring the music alive. And what did I listen to? What was the soundtrack of healing alignment? The Brian Jones Town Massacre's "Their Satanic Majesties' Second Request" (1995), yes, a trippy, cool, mellow, hippie-vibe of a record. The Who's "Who's Next" (1971), thrilling, definitive r&r. Mogwai's "Happy Songs for Happy People" (2003), never fails to enchant, a sonic feast. The Talking Heads "Remain in Light" (1980), the apotheosis of groove, totally captivates and revitalizes. Steely Dan's "Countdown to Ecstasy,"  (1973), supposedly their lowest selling album, pretty much my favorite, with all those great songs, and great lines, with Jeff "Skunk" Baxter flying across those tracks on electric guitar. Some of the best albums from some of the best bands. It really did the aligning and healing trick. This morning I am feeling recharged and very, very present to, in, and of, the moment.