Tuesday, September 05, 2023

The Imagination of Disaster...

Reading good books. Fine literature. Smart non-fiction. I do think just the act of reading makes us smarter. Filling our heads, feeding our imaginations, expanding our horizons, opening our hearts. Propels us to see the world  in new ways, thru new eyes.

I think of Mike Davis' "Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles the Imagination of Disaster."  (1998). A masterpiece book, no doubt. I read the book when it came out. It exploded my consciousness. Made me see L.A. and California in a new light. 

When I read the news today, or listen to the radio today, it all seems so damn obvious and familiar. Yes. Of course, it's the ecology of fear writ large, and in technicolor. It's now all-pervasive, planet-wide. Our ecosystem is under threat from all sides. We are all Los Angeles & California now. The imagination of disaster is now our collective imagination.