Thursday, September 07, 2023

Powering Thru to Inspiration...

We were both totally exhausted yesterday. Maybe still reeling from the heat? Heat Dome from last week really did a number on us, and still feeling the effects. We powered thru anyway and had a rehearsal with our band late afternoon. We schlepped our gear over to our studio space, set up the P.A. plugged in, and played. We resurrected a couple of old songs, mixed in with some new songs, and ran thru a few songs that we always play. It was quite exhilarating. Nothing like a roomful of musicians all listening, and playing off each other. Our exhaustion seemingly evaporated for a couple of hours. The kick of inspiration propelled us forward. It all sounded so good to our ears. Afterwards, we kind of collapsed in a heap. Trudged back home. Sipped some cold Kombucha and watched an episode of "Good Omens."   A ridiculous & silly show, but quite entertaining. We settled into a fuzzy state of giddy weariness. The rosy glow of good vibes and musical inspiration wrapped us up in an envelope of good cheer. That's the power of music, and the ability to play it. To play is the thing, damn the torpedoes.