Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Oh Yeah, I Forgot: ELECTROLYTES!

Ha. Sure. I think I am smart. Although, I am smart enough to know I'm not that smart. Whatever I know is absolutely dwarfed by what I don't know. So best to be humble about my own native intelligence and smarts.

What's really funny, I have learned lessons. If I look back on my life, something I don't really like doing, I see a long string of lessons, some painful, some (rarely), joyful. 

But what does it "say" and mean, when you learn a lesson and then forget it?

Does that make me doubly dumb?

I bring this up because yesterday I hit upon an insight, one that I have hit upon before, but then, just as suddenly forgot. Which is really pretty damn idiotic. What was the word that ventured across my dull, heat-dome sapped mind? ELECTROLYTES!

Ha. Yes. Of course. We secured a box of Trace Minerals Power Pak. These little packets are a magic elixir. I mean, they work. I knew that, this has come up before, in the wake of another very hot summer day a few years ago, and then, well, stupidly, I just as quickly kind of forgot. Yesterday I greedily ingested the first packet of electrolytes with a big glass of water.

I could feel energy flow thru my body. Of course, maybe this is all in my head, but I pretty much don't think so. I feel so much better this morning. I want to declare it a miracle cure for the energy-sapping, mojo-killing  heat-dome. The electrolytes seem to be immediately kicking heat dome's ass.

Mojo-machine back in business. Yay. Sunny Jimmy is rising up like newly revived Lazarus, ready to meet the day with vim and vigor. Already feeling a bit smarter too.