Friday, September 01, 2023

Merciless Art...

Big doings.

When it comes to our "art," my key collaborator and I are pretty merciless: "having no mercy, pitiless." We know what we love, and love what we do, and you do not want to be in our way when we kick into hyper-speed. 

We try our best to be merciless with grace, kindness, humor, and forgiveness. We are "good vibes" kind of people, and usually we reside in our own very positive, giving, creative bubble. That bubble is mostly open-door, open-arms inclusive: creative fellow-travelers welcome.

But, shite, once in great awhile, all hell breaks loose. Yesterday was a all hell breaks loose experience. The tumult & hurly-burly was initiated by our tangling with an unsuspecting helper, who revealed himself to be an obstacle to our creative goals (I am being purposefully vague to protect the guilty and innocent).

Funny. It is in times of crisis, pressure, deadlines & heightened expectations when folks reveal their true selves. It was not pretty to see this helper flailing about. And it was instructive to see this helper totally underestimate our determination, our will, and creative instincts. When it comes our art, we do have a killer instinct. When push comes to shove, we really truly, madly, deeply know what we are doing, and what we want. When we are fully aligned we feel we can move mountains and we do.

Of course, my key collaborator and I were totally aligned on this particular mission, which meant we were going to get what we needed come hell or high water. We were merciless, the helper floundered. And we walked out with the goods. Damn the torpedos. And what of the floundering, flailing helper? A helper no more.

Henry Hill  (in Good Fellas) : [voiceover] "That's when I knew that Jimmy was gonna whack Morrie. That's how it happens. That's how fast it takes for a guy to get whacked."