Thursday, September 14, 2023

A Good Day of Practicing...

A good day for us is usually a day when we play music. We usually go to our rehearsal studio on Wednesdays and Saturdays, so, for sure, we have at least two really good days every week. Wednesdays it's usually just my partner and I, on Saturdays, it's the two of us, plus our full band. In full force we are 8 band members strong.

When we make the trek from our apartment to our studio (about 3 blocks), we always create a bit of a stir. Folks stop us on the street, me lugging my guitar, my partner lugging her drums, we look like musical gypsies, or maybe more like professional schleppers. 

The question folks usually volley to us on the street: "Are you playing somewhere?" Our answer is always: "Practicing!"

Yes. Indeed. We love to play shows, but most of the time we are practicing. And that is the thing.  It's the way to get better. 

Yesterday we were both a bit shaggy, worse for wear. At first, setting up our gear seemed a bit of a chore, but then once we started working on songs we started to click. By about the 3rd song the tiredness, the shagginess, magically evaporated. After a couple hours we were both musically and spiritually cleansed and exhilarated.

The good work.  

On the way back, lugging gear again, a woman on the street, someone we didn't recognize, smiled & waved at us, she shouted out: "I'm one of your groupies!"

Hah. That made us laugh. Yep. A good day of practicing.